Sermorelin is a peptide containing 29 amino acids that stimulates the pituitary gland to produce more Human Growth hormone (HGH).  Today, Sermorelin is used in mixture with GHRP-6, which is a growth hormone releasing peptide in the form of injections to promote pituitary gland to secrete HGH as much as it can.

How Sermorelin Works

Sermorelin works in the same way as HGH. Hgh or human growth hormone is naturally produced in our bodies whose low levels cause many growth problems and affect body functions. Its levels peaks during puberty and diminishes after 30. doctors all over the world are now prescribing Sermorelin GHRP-6 as a safe and effective way to stimulate and increase your body's human growth hormone production.

Sermorelin Therapy

For more effective results, doctors give dosages different to different people depending upon the severity of deficiency in them. To know the right amount needed for you, let the doctor t check you up and take treatments as or when required. It helps to stay healthy and young.

Sermorelin Acetate growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) activates the pituitary gland by fastening to specific receptors to boost the production and emission of endogenous growth hormone (HGH).

The increase in the body’s growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland due to Sermorelin Acetate hormone therapy has an anabolic effect on the tissues of the body along with some other benefits.

This therapy consists of injections of Sermorelin acetate on regular basis, which activates the pituitary gland to create increased natural secretion of human growth hormone.

Sermorelin benefits are much that reverses the issues occurs with age due to decline in hormone levels. Sermorelin GHRP-6 can improve common aging related issues such as low energy levels, low sex drive, poor stamina, increased fat levels, lack of skin elasticity, and poor mental function. However, it is highly advisable to use them after doctor’s advice for safe and effective results.

Sermorelin acetate is approved as safe for use in children to increase their production of growth hormone. Sermorelin Acetate for adults who have growth hormone deficiency is legally permissible; however, no particular approvals are shown in studies. 

8/6/2012 02:43:30 am

Nice post. I read your post and i like it. You really give your valuable information and link. Thank you for sharing................


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    Health consultant - Suggest and recommend the best therapy or treatment for growth deficient hormones.


    July 2012

